Friends in low places 2 - 8 of 20Here is a picture of Charlee and her puppies. There were six, and the sixth one is hiding behind her in this photo. The story of Charlee and Buddy and their Basset family is told on our DVD, "A Basset is an Asset." While neither of us ever dreamed of becoming Basset breeders, the experience of becoming a Basset family has changed me, Charlee's human, and Steve, Buddy's human, forever. It all began with Steve's determination to perpetuate Buddy's lineage into a family that would remain in close proximity with us for years to come. Steve and I live less than a mile apart, and all the pups live in the Seattle vicinity with their humans. Regular PPTs (Puppy Play Times) were scheduled during the first year of the pups' lives, and we continue to get together every few months for a barbeque while we watch the Bassets frolic like wild things, obviously delighting in one another's company.
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A Basset is an Asset TM © 2009 SirenSong Productions - Bronwyn Edwards Cryer